An oil in its earliest form, on ACF canvas - a new brand I'm trying out, and very pleased with it so far: it's tight as a drum on its stretchers, and made from a terylene cloth, which gives a smooth or at least not disruptive surface quite like high quality linen - which would be far more expensive; and painted with Michael Harding's Burnt Umber: some will warn you against Burnt Umber because of its tendency to sink - and indeed, it does, which is why I don't use it in upper layers (that and the fact that a mixed brown has more life in it; many ways to mix a deep brown: read my little e-book on the Amazon Kindle Store). Oil Paint Basics, if you need the reminder: and I'm working on an update which I hope will be possible to make available in physical, paperback form.
You might notice, in this early version of the painting, a resemblance in the cliff face to one Donald Trump: this is absolutely not intentional, and will be corrected in the final version. It's very, very easy to paint a face in a rock formation or cloud without intending to: I've done it before: one of my clouds looked a lot like the Honey Monster...
The trouble with showing a Work in Progress is - you've got to get it right; you can't just hide it away and pretend you'd never made a start on it. So, with reckless courage - here is Stage 1.