ACF canvases are a new company offering terylene canvases - the sort of cloth you can make trousers out of. And although I've only used the one so far, I entirely recommend them - terylene is a long-lasting material, and offers a very smooth surface, for a cloth. I was pleased with the way it handled oil paint - and the paint I used for this one was from several manufacturers, notably Rublev, Michael Harding, Daler Rowney, and Cass Arts own brand - all of them well worth your attentioon.
The painting is a 12" x 14" oil of part of Knowles Farm, a National Trust owned slice of land near Niton, Isle of Wight. The only thing I have against it is the proliferation of cows with explosive digestive systems: you can have too many cows, I find..... They make walking a hazard....