Saturday 8 June 2024

Wintry coast, Isle of Wight

 I've been working on this 20" x 8" panoramic-type painting, in oil, off and on for a while - for a long time it existed as just underpainting: I was urged to leave it like that, because it worked (or anyway others thought it did).  This plunged me into a not untypical agony of indecision, but ultimately I thought there were bits that at least needed tightening up; and from there - well, OK, you've tightened it up; now finish it.  So I did.

The subject matter reflects that it was Winter when I started it; I'm planning to do a Spring/Summer version, knowing that not everyone will like these de-saturated (i.e. muddy, though in my opinion natural) colours.

It's on stretched canvas - which I don't often use these days -  consisting of Flake White NT, Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Viridian, and Ultramarine Blue - now there's a "limited palette".