Saturday, 30 April 2016


A few recent paintings, 10" by 8", acrylics on Loxley canvas board.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Did I do that?

Phone back on, nuisance calls resumed - in fact it's been back for a week, I wouldn't wish to give the impression that EE was dilatory.  Or that they didn't care - I've had 4 calls from different employees since the fault was rectified, seeking assurance that all is well.  This did strike me as a little strange for a communications company, given you'd have thought they might have shared the information received with each other, but there we are.

We must not repine.

Just finished a small acrylic, 8" by 10" - wasn't sure what I thought of it, so I deliberately left it to dry out while I got on with something else and steadfastly refused to look at it.  On my return, it was almost as if someone else had painted it ..... by deliberately ignoring it, I was able to put a distance between it and myself and I'm not at all sure this hasn't enabled me to form a better judgement of it.  We'll see how it looks tomorrow, all the same.  I shan't post a photo of it before then - I might hate it in the morning........